About those pictures…

Hi again.  So, if you’ve been surfing around the newly re-hosted WordPress version of EuroSplat you may have noticed by…

EuroSplat finds a new home

Hello again EuroSplat readers.  It’s been almost 18 months now since we returned to the US and the EuroSplat.com domain…

So Long, Farewell, Adieu

The French don’t really say “adieu”.  At least, not unless they’re at a funeral.  The French meaning is a very…

City of Light

By now everyone knows what happened the evening of 11/13/15 in Paris.  We’ve watched as the bodies were removed and…

Clermont Miscellanea

The Auvergne region (similar to a state in the US) has been getting a lot of good tourist press lately. …

Encore Provence

We used up one of our last long May weekends for a return to Provence.  Not because we hadn’t been…

No Tea in England??

It’s true. We were sitting out at a sidewalk café in the shadow of the London Bridge south pier having…

In Bruges

In Bruges.  I didn’t know there was a movie by that title until after our return.  It’s a pretty dark…